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/* Das folgende CSS wird für alle Benutzeroberflächen geladen. */

/* MediaWiki
 * Haftungsausschluß ausblenden
#footer-places-disclaimer {
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/* MediaWiki
 * Klappschalter an Tabellen verbessern
 */ {
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/* MediaWiki
 * Bilder mobil machen
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/* Page Forms
 * dropdown in hellgrau
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/** Semantic MediaWiki
 * Links zu Spezialattributen einfärben.
.smwbuiltin a,
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/** Semantic MediaWiki
 * Anzeige von smwpre verbessern.
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/** Semantic MediaWiki
 * Change the position of the section tab on property pages.
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/** Semantic MediaWiki
 * Make table header row more distinct
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/** Semantic MediaWiki
 * Prevent table width to be broad by default
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/** Semantic MediaWiki
 * Make links to YouTube monospaced
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/** Semantic MediaWiki
 * Remove tabs from special page Ask
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/** Semantic Cite
 * Unconfuse link to subobject
.scite-citation-resourcelink a:before {
	content: "↘";

/** Widget
 * Make YouTube player adapt to mobile devices
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